#atinylife not-menopause

Did I tell you I’d been to the doctor about night sweats?

I was absolutely sure it was early onset menopause. ‘It’s the StReSs!’ I said to my GP. He sent bloods off for testing and apart from the traumatic experience of the surgery calling me on a Thursday morning and taking A LONG TIME to tell me I was basically fine, with slightly low iron levels, all was well. No menopause. Phew.

not early menopause


So, this is the bit where I admit to wasting NHS time. I am so sorry, NHS, I know how busy you are.

It was my new blanket. It’s not breathable. I realised when I took it to bed again after leaving it in the living room for a week or so.

I get night sweats when I wrap myself in its huge beautiful soft greyness.


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